Sales Manager

Woman car sales manager showing options to a male client on computer

Sales management is an important profession in the market in the world’s economy and a leading professional course at Newman Center. In our diverse and fascinating learning program we teach the art selling and the secret of successful management in the most thorough and comprehensive way – what is marketing, how to manage tasks and […]

International Trade Courses

Close up shot of Israel on world map

International trade – trade that sounds fascinating. Serious. Overwhelming. Challenging. Potential of this work – boundless. If you enter the portal AllJobs and do a brief overview of the jobs on offer in this area, you will find every day 200-300 ads for job vacancies. Here is a list of some of them: Department administrator Import – Export of […]


Female stockbroker in formal clothes works in the office with financial market

Before you invest in the stock market … Invested in learning about it! Great wisdom is not to invest in the stock market, but – make the stock market. Reality is that in order to invest wisely and achieve high yield, requires psychological preparation and study of the area. Simplest and most profound way to […]


Cheerful professional accountant prepares annual financial report looks at documents

The course practical accountants – this is one of the most critical courses in the Newman Center After completing this course you will receive a diploma and – most importantly! You get the most current specialty, which in Hebrew is called הנהלת חשבונות (“analat heshbonot). During training, you will get all necessary knowledge for accounting […]
