Travel Agents

You are about to discover the whole world

A world of travel, vacations, flights, luxury cruises, hotels … All this is waiting for you in one of the most exotic courses in Israel. Every hour of learning brings you closer to obtaining one of the most exciting professions in the world.
What is included in the course? Training with the Gilboa and the Amadeus software, used by the Ministry of Tourism in Israel and abroad; learning about all types of tourism – domestic and foreign, private groups and more; learning to perform all types of reservations – flights, cruises, hotels, tours, attractions, vacation packages, and more. The course program includes both theoretical with practical work.


In addition, the travel agent course in Newman Center has a unique additional value – beyond studying the classical tourism theory in depth, our students participate in lectures held by leading professionals that share with them their rich experience and give them valuable tips, which regular travel agents get only after years of working.


Get ready to be taken far, to any point on earth…


You would like to receive more information about the course and register for a free consultation?
Please call * 3331 or toll-free line 1-800-22-0607 (9.00 - 21.00, Friday until 13.30).
You can also send the form with your data (see below), and our consultant will contact you shortly.

    Please fill out the form and one of our consultants will contact you shortly

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